Here is a short list of some Frequently Asked Questions. If you can’t find what you are looking for here, please fill out and submit a form on the Contact Us page.
Q: Does it cost to become a member of the MHS Alumni Jackrabbits Foundation?
No, it costs nothing to become a member.
Q: If my spouse and I both share the same email address, can we both join?
You can both join – and we hope you will – but you will need to use separate email addresses to register your personal information; only one member per email address.
Q: How do I update my personal contact information if it changes?
You may correct or update your personal information on this site at any time. To do so – once you are logged in to your account, the gold box that gives the options “Already a Member?” and “Join the Foundation” on the right end of the section over the photo slide-show will be replaced with a box that says “Member Profile.” At this point, you may choose either “View profile” or “Update your information.” Select the “Update your information” button and enter whatever changes are applicable; then submit.
Q: Will my email address be made public?
No, your email address will never be sold, rented or given to any third party, including other members of this website. If someone would like to contact you they can initiate the communication on this website by filling out and submitting a form on the “Contact Us” page, and you will receive their message as an email from this site. You can then decide to provide your email address to that person or continue using the website as a means to communicate. See Privacy Policy on About Us.
Q: How safe is my personal information here?
Your contact information will never be sold, rented or given to any third party, including other members of this website. See Privacy Policy on About Us.
Q: What about the security of my credit card information?
No credit card information is kept on this server or seen by anyone associated with this website. MHS Alumni Jackrabbits Foundation uses PayPal or Venmo to process payments for donations. You can view PayPal’s or Venmo’s privacy policy to learn more about how they manage the information you provide to them when you make a payment. All financial transactions processed by PayPal or Venmo are protected using SSL encryption technology.
Q: Do I have to be a member of the Jackrabbits Foundation to make a donation?
No, you do not have to be a member to make a donation, although we would love to have you register to become one! Anyone and everyone is welcome to make a donation to MHS through the Jackrabbits Foundation!
Q: Is my donation tax deductible?
Yes, MHS Alumni Jackrabbits Foundation is a registered IRS 501(c)(3) non-profit charitable organization. You will receive a receipt for any donations received for tax purposes.
Q: Can I make a donation of a different amount other than the options to choose from on the Donation page?
Yes, just enter the amount you wish to donate after the $ sign in the empty rectangular box below the six specified donation amount boxes.
Q: Can I specify how or where I’d like my tax-deductible donation to be used?
Yes, when you make a donation (fifth step) there is an option designated as “Write a note” where you may specify which student club, group or activity you would like your money to be used for.* If nothing is specified, your donation will go toward a general student fund and be given to Mesa High; either the Jackrabbits Foundation Board of Directors or the Mesa High School Administration will decide how best to use the money. You will receive a receipt for any donations you make for tax purposes.
Q: Can I donate on a monthly or other regular basis?
We would be more than happy to receive donations as often and as regularly as you would like to give! When you select the DONATE page, you will be given two very important options, both of which are required prior to making your tax deductible contribution. The first option is to choose the amount of money you wish to donate; the second is to choose how often you wish to donate this designated amount. After completing both options, click the NEXT button and you will be instructed as to how to proceed with your payment. You will receive a receipt for any donations you make for tax purposes.
Q: I don’t want to pay by credit card, PayPal or VENMO. Can I just send a check? Cash?
Yes, we welcome donations made in any form! If a personal check is your preference, just write your check out to MHS Alumni Jackrabbits Foundation and mail it to MHS Alumni Jackrabbits Foundation, 4445 E. Holmes Avenue Suite 107, Mesa, AZ 85206. If you wish to make a cash donation, simply select “Contact Us” on the homepage header and follow the directions to make your request. You will be contacted by someone from the Foundation. Regardless of the form of contribution you make, you will receive a receipt for your tax-deductible donation for tax purposes.
Q: Is this website affiliated with Mesa High School?
This site is not affiliated in any official capacity with Mesa High School, although a direct link to our website can be found on the homepage of Mesa High’s website. Mesa High encourages, but does not financially support the MHS Alumni Jackrabbits Foundation. See About Us.
* Subject to Board approval.